Lawson Cypress ‘Ivonne’

Lawson cypress ‘Ivonne’ (alternatively ‘Yvonne’) is a medium sized coniferous tree of conical habit. This variety of the widely used hedging conifer, lawson cypress, boasts needle-shaped golden yellow foliage that stands out especially in spring and summer. A position in full sun will further enhance the bright colours of the flat, soft needles. Despite lawson cypress ‘Ivonne’ being a non-native conifer, it is quite capable of adapting to European weather and soil conditions. This lovely conifer is ideal for all hedging purposes, as it is reasonably fast growing and able to produce a dense hedge rather quickly. Like other species and cultivars of lawson cypress, ‘Ivonne’ is easily recognised by its slender growth habit, which makes it an excellent hedging variety for small gardens. Lawson cypress ‘Ivonne’ can also be grown as a freestanding specimen tree for a wonderful garden accent. Full grown trees can be 5-6m tall, but they can be kept much smaller with regular prunings.

Please note that overgrown lawson cypress hedges cannot be reshaped as this may damage the plants. Lawson cypress ‘Ivonne’ is fully hardy and can deal with moist soils, provided they are moist, well-drained and preferably slightly acidic. As stated above this cypress is best planted in full sun, but it will also do well in partial shade. Avoid exposed positions and waterlogging and make sure to water thoroughly during the first year. Well-established trees, however, are quite drought tolerant and do not require watering during dry periods.

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